Brazilian Leg Lock Secrets by Rodrigo Artilheiro and Judge Walmory

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Get DOUBLE THE LEG LOCKS with BJJ Black Belts Rodrigo Artilheiro and Judge Walmory.

  • Frustrate your opponents with dozens of tricky Brazilian leg attack secrets.
  • From the FAVELA KNEEBAR to the LAWSUIT ANKLE LOCK--your opponents and training partners can’t defend against moves they’ve never seen.
  • Be the judge, jury and LEG LOCK executioner with the help of Judge Walmory and Rodrigo Artilheiro.

Get DOUBLE THE LEG LOCKS with BJJ Black Belts Rodrigo Artilheiro and Judge Walmory.

Frustrate your opponents with dozens of tricky Brazilian leg attack secrets.

What Will You Learn?

Combat experts Rodrigo Artilheiro and Judge Walmory are here to help you BUILD YOUR CASE for better leg locks. Surprise your opponents with these quirky leg lock setups straight from the home of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. These techniques have never been seen and taught in this format until now.

This set is not only overflowing with tons of leg attacks--it also comes complete with ways to kill De La Riva Guard, Ashi Garami and 50/50 to name just a few. Become more well rounded with the dual attack of Rodrigo Artilheiro and Judge Walmory.

So, What's On This Series?

This four volume series is jam packed with dozens of leg locks guaranteed to increase your submission rate and have your opponents and training partners seeking legal counsel out of frustration. Want to learn the best leg attacks against wrestlers? Or maybe how to kill the dreaded body triangle? This set has it all--you will even get specific exercises designed to make you better at leg locks.

So, What Exactly Do You Get?

Part 1:

  • The Brazilian Brain Game
  • Russian Roulette Toe Hold 
  • Introduction For Judge Walmory 
  • Introduction For Rodrigo Artilheiro 
  • Saci Lock
  • The waitress killer 
  • De la Riva killer

Part 2:

  • Slick kneebar
  • Half guard Whizzer killer
  • Kneebar against wrestlers
  • Exercises for leg lock development 
  • Berimbolo magic kneebar
  • The storm

Part 3:

  • Favela kneebar
  • Donald bump 
  • Ashi garami killer
  • Omoplata heel hook 
  • Seesaw Walmory Lock 
  • Lawyer Heel Hook 
  • Probation heel hook 
  • Body triangle killer

Part 4:

  • 50/50 killer
  • Ankle knot lock 
  • Citizens arrest
  • Death penalty
  • Curupira ankle lock
  • Sui generis femur lock 
  • Appeal knee compression 
  • The Sheriff 
  • Prosecutor Ankle lock 
  • Magistrate ankle lock
  • Bear Walk Ankle Lock 
  • Summary judgment 
  • Lawsuit ankle lock 

So What Does It Cost?
